Italian Library SqlSimple for novice users


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This library is responsible for your life easier by using sql database, and then who knows nothing about it to have a minimal use ...
It does not do anything that might make an experienced user with using sql but allows you to do many things, the methods below:

  • 'Initialize the db , name your db
    Initialize(Db_name As String )
  • 'Create the table with the corresponding column names if you do not want to spend all of the data 'set if the string "",is added n with a number if that column is not present, field5 and filed6 are the 'INT number then.
    CreateTABLE (NameTable As String,field1 As String , field2 As String, field3 As String, field4 As String, field5 As String,field6 As String)
  • 'Delete Name_Table
    DeleteTABLE(NameTable As String)
  • 'Insert the fields in the db respecting the column names, provided also empty fields or zero will be 'called but will not be considered.
    insertFieldTABLE(field1 As String , field2 As String, field3 As String, field4 As String, field5 As Int,field6 As Int)
  • 'View all of the table
  • 'Displays the whole table ordered by the field (column name that you will pass the) in ascending 'order ASC
    viewAllTABLE_OrderASC(field1 As String)
  • 'Displays the whole table ordered by the field (column name that you will pass the) in descending order DESC
    viewAllTABLE_OrderDESC(field1 As String)
  • 'Upgrades some table fields (field1 is the field "column_name" to be modified if the condition '(major, minor, equal in symbols) compared field2 which can be another field, a string or a 'number, etc .. NewValue is the new value to assign true if the condition above.
    update_FieldTABLE(NameTable As String,field1 As String, Condition As String, field2 As String, NewValue As String)
  • 'Allows you to delete some data from the table than a condition see other uses of the 'conditions in the other methods.
    Delete_ConditionTABLE(NameTable As String,field1 As String, Condition As String, field2 As String )
The only variable that will contain the query results as if you are viewing is this:

  • 'you will see result query
Below the library and an example of use


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Wow fico! Stasera la provo!


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Non ho scaricato (e non è detto che a me funzionerebbe, dato che ho una versione vecchiotta di b4a).

Potrei suggerire:

CreateTable accetta un numero fisso di parametri (nome tabella + 6 nomi di campi) ma ovviamente le tabelle create non avranno sempre 6 campi.
Poi non so quali tipi di campi il comando creerà.
Se vedi DBUtils, il comando analogo accetta un numero variabile di nomi di campi e relativi tipi.

Stessa cosa per Insert.

Beh, ci sarebbero altre cose. Dai un'occhiata a DBUtils.

Grazie per aver pubblicato il tuo lavoro.


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Si si questo è un limite di questa libreria, ma per chi non conosce sql le query e quant'altro potrebbe essere utile. Cmq se tu metti soltanto 3 campi per esempio gli altri tre sono vuoti e non valorizzati..

Gianni M

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permettete un pensiero:
imparate la sintassi SQL ; vi tornerà utile in tante altre occasione/linguaggi !
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