Android Question Library versions


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OK, I know it is not just me because several other threads complain about it; what is the best way to ensure I have the latest versions of all of my libraries?
The reason I ask is I am getting an error using B4XTable so I want to update all relevant libraries to eliminate that as the cause.
I think this involves B4XPages, B4XTable, xCustomListView & XUI (possibly...)
I can see the version numbers I have installed in the SDK Libraries Manager but it is really difficult to determine if they are up to date or not.
Or am I missing a trick?


Jorge M A

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Thanks Jorge, sort of what we need but it's almost as hard to search as the forum.
Tried to determine the latest version of the XUI library, still can't work it out using that data or the forum

What we really need is the SDK to compare selected libraries with the online versions and let us know if it is out of date... a man can dream
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For internal libraries like XUI unless you know you need a missing feature then just use the latest version of B4A which wil have the latest vesion apart from possible later bug fixes or enhancements - which will anyway make their way to the next B4A release. I agree for third party libraries it can be a bit more difficult unless the library developer has kept his thread with library up to date.
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Thanks agraham, I did not realise XUI was now internal. One less thing to worry about.
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