Hi all,
I know its an old lib but it the only one which can stream camera and audio to rtsp server and it works very good, but if we want to cancel the echo we must activate android feature AcousticEchoCanceler.
The only woking way found in the forum is Erel`s which is activated on AudioStreamer:
can I activate this way on libStreaming? or on SessionBuilder or RtspClient? I mean can we get the "getAudioSessionId" of the libStreaming?
I know its an old lib but it the only one which can stream camera and audio to rtsp server and it works very good, but if we want to cancel the echo we must activate android feature AcousticEchoCanceler.
The only woking way found in the forum is Erel`s which is activated on AudioStreamer:
Sub SetEchoCanceler
Dim echo As JavaObject
echo.InitializeStatic("android/media/audiofx/AcousticEchoCanceler".Replace("/", "."))
If echo.RunMethod("isAvailable", Null) = True Then
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = streamer
Dim AudioRecord As JavaObject = r.GetField("audioRecord")
echo= echo.RunMethod("create", Array(AudioRecord.RunMethod("getAudioSessionId", Null)))
echo.RunMethod("setEnabled" , Array As Object(True))
ToastMessageShow("echo set" , True)
ToastMessageShow("Echo not available",False)
End If
End Sub