Android Question Licence and PC upgrade

An Schi

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Within the next two weeks i plan to upgrade my PC. This will include the exchange of some hardware parts (CPU, graphic card, ram memory) as well as an upgrade from Win 8.1 32bit to Win 10 64bit.

I understand that i can use my B4A Licence on two computers. But later i would like to have B4A also on a laptop.

My question is: Does my PC upgrade "waste" one of the licences?


Licensed User
Longtime User
You now have one PC. And one License.

If you update your pc to a new one;

Make sure to have your registrationfile backupped.

You can use B4A on Win10 after upgrading without any problems if you do an Upgrade for your windows holding all programs.
Still it is one license and one pc.

If you then later buy a laptop you are allowed to intall b4a on it too (the second pc).

Maybe you need a new license file if b4a is counting the installs.

@Erel maybe can confirm my answer. I hope it was all ok what i wrote :)
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