I unzip and overwrite the old ones in the Library folder, but the version still says 1.10 in the Lib view of my application. I'm not sure what to do. I have refreshed, reopened and even rebooted the computer. Anyone else have this problem?
Not silly I asked myself the same question...yes, I did - and I also realize how this question looks, but seriously - it still shows 1.10. The file dates and sizes all changed when I copied it over. I over wrote the old ones...then deleted them and pasted the new ones again. Then I thought maybe the library is "magically" linking from somewhere else so I deleted them and tried to compile the program - no...it wants those libraries. I'm stumped. I've uploaded screen captures.
Is it possible you have more than 1 B4A installed in different directories? Maybe you have a C:\Program Files\AnywhereSoftware\Basic4Android\Libraries, and a C:\Program Files\AnywhereSoftware\B4A\Libraries, and you installed to the wrong one?
Personally, I would want to install new libraries into a separate directory outside of the B4A path and use Tools->Configure Paths to set it up.
Is it possible you have more than 1 B4A installed in different directories? Maybe you have a C:\Program Files\AnywhereSoftware\Basic4Android\Libraries, and a C:\Program Files\AnywhereSoftware\B4A\Libraries, and you installed to the wrong one?
Personally, I would want to install new libraries into a separate directory outside of the B4A path and use Tools->Configure Paths to set it up.
Hi James! Thanks for your input. Ya, I checked for that even though I know I didn't - I also deleted the license libraries in "Basic4Android\Libraries" and tried to compile the program just in case they were magically linked elsewhere (sigh...windows) - but the program would not compile - it wants "those" libraries. Soooo...I also created a 'mylibs' folder, deleted them from "Basic4Android\Libraries" and dropped them in mylibs and then set the path as you described above. Same thing - After refreshing, restarting and so on...still says version 1.10. I'm stumped. I'll install on another computer to see what happens.
Another possibility, you are trying to install an older version of the library from a previous download. Look for a Licensing(1).zip file, or delete the current Licensing.zip file and download again.
Another possibility, you are trying to install an older version of the library from a previous download. Look for a Licensing(1).zip file, or delete the current Licensing.zip file and download again.
Hi James! Thanks again for your input. Ya...did that all too Licensing(1).zip, Licensing(2).zip, Licensing(3).zip - deleted all Licensing.* from downloads...tried it, then downloaded to a temp directory and tried it. Dates on files inside the archive all 03/24/2015. Still 1.10
That's kind of where I'm at too. I just thought Hey...maybe I'm not alone and there was a quick fix It's just the time to install and test everything on a different computer and the time to test different devices and versions. The license checking logs correctly on the Nexus 7 with Android 5 - which was the whole reason for this exercise - I read 1.10 errors out on Android 5, but I'm going to test a few more devices. I'll post here later with the results just so there is a record
I installed everything on a new system and it works fine. After indexing and searching the old drive there were no duplicates - so not sure what happened on that system. Back to work. Thanks for your interest and help.