This is a PREVIEW ALFA version of a Whatsapp "Like" keyboard.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Requiere this libraries:
-msEmoji (by DonManfred):
-FontAwesome (by NJDude):
-IME (by Erel):
You can DONATE them if you find this usefull.
The question is that the load of the grid of icons is very slow, and I tried:
-Reduce the size of the picteres
-Use an ImageView instead EmojiViewText
But its slow load. If anyone can contribute to speed the load, it might be a good keyboard.
SOURCE CODE - Click Here (> 4Mb)
And this is the part that load the images in a ScrollView
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Requiere this libraries:
-msEmoji (by DonManfred):
-FontAwesome (by NJDude):
-IME (by Erel):
You can DONATE them if you find this usefull.
The question is that the load of the grid of icons is very slow, and I tried:
-Reduce the size of the picteres
-Use an ImageView instead EmojiViewText
But its slow load. If anyone can contribute to speed the load, it might be a good keyboard.
SOURCE CODE - Click Here (> 4Mb)
And this is the part that load the images in a ScrollView
Sub PrecargaScrollView (ScrollViewTmp As ScrollView, Lista As List)
Dim now As Long
now = DateTime.Now
Log("TIEMPO INICIO 1: " & DateTime.Time(now))
Dim NumeroIconosFila As Int
NumeroIconosFila = (100%x) / 45dip
Dim NumeroFilas As Int
NumeroFilas = (Lista.Size / NumeroIconosFila)
ScrollViewTmp.Initialize(40dip * NumeroFilas)
Dim i As Int = 0
For x = 1 To NumeroFilas '+1 Falta retocar para que la última fila, si tiene 3 iconos p.ej., funcions.
For y = 1 To NumeroIconosFila
EmojiTextView1.Text = Lista.Get(i) & " "
BotonTransparente.Color = Colors.Transparent
BotonTransparente.Tag = Lista.Get(i)
ScrollViewTmp.Color = Colors.White
ScrollViewTmp.Panel.AddView(BotonTransparente, 45dip*(y-1) + 5dip, 40dip * (x-1) + 5dip, 40dip, 40dip)
ScrollViewTmp.Panel.AddView(EmojiTextView1, 45dip*(y-1) + 5dip, 40dip * (x-1) + 5dip, 40dip, 40dip)
EmojiTextView1.Height = 40dip : EmojiTextView1.Width = 40dip
BotonTransparente.Width = 40dip : BotonTransparente.Height = 40dip
' Imagen.Initialize("Imagen")
' Dim Cad As String = Lista.Get(i)
' ScrollViewTmp.Color = Colors.White
' Imagen.Bitmap = CreateScaledBitmap(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "imagenes/" & Cad.SubString2(1, Cad.Length -1) & ".png"), 35, 35, True)
' ScrollViewTmp.Panel.AddView(Imagen, 45dip*(y-1) + 5dip, 40dip * (x-1) + 5dip, 40dip, 40dip)
' Imagen.Tag = Lista.Get(i)
i = i + 1
now = DateTime.Now
Log("TIEMPO FINAL 1: " & DateTime.Time(now))
End Sub