when using my libgdx games on a 120hz phone it runs 2x faster. i have not used frame timing when i created those games long time ago and now on almost all new phones there is a 120hz and even more screen so after searching about this issue i found that there are 2 ways to fix it.
1, re-code your game (not relevant for me, don't want to invest this time on old games)
2, add frame limit for my games (it looks like it is possible on android 11+ phones)
does anyone know how to use it on b4a?
I'm doing a game and I have a problem on some (strange) low end android devices (Galaxy S mini, Galaxy ACE ), with actually bad hardware. The FPS is on both devices 85+, and on other devices (HTC D...
AndroidApplicationConfiguration config = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
config.foregroundFPS = 60;
initialize(new MyGdxGame(), config);
can those lines fix this issue?