Linux and politically correct terms


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Well, I think we have the same debate in our mother languages.
Most of people see this a silly thing, and probably it would, if there was no problems. I mean, for example in Spanish the words have gender, and some people search inclusive words, even if the word doesn’t exist. A lot of people say: “what a stupid fight, I’ve always have said the male word and I’m not sexist”. But this is not a solution, is just a way of make visible a big problem, maybe you don’t see it near you, but the problem is and there’s a lot of people suffering it. If We’re not going to help to eliminate the problem, at least we should not ridicule the people who’s trying to make something g.

As I read in a newspaper joke:
”I’m not racist but...” (he/she is racist)
”I’m not sexist but...” (he/she is sexist)
“ I'm not a racist, sexist or xenophobe but...” (he/she votes for $" insert here the Populist political party you want"$.)


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Longtime User
i fully agree with you, beside de racist fight in spanish we also have the sexist fight,

instead of making fun of the people looking for changes, we should participate in the conversations even if it doesnt affect us.


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Some racist white folks put cotton in front of blacks homes to remind them of their slavery era, when they were collecting cotton in their master's farms.. If I was a black American then I would put the same cotton in front of white people's home to remind them of their grandfathers' shameful history.
The same can rightfully said about black color.
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