List of all apps installed by the user?


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with the following snippet i am able to get a list of all packages on my phone:

Dim pm As PackageManager
Dim packages As List
packages = pm.GetInstalledPackages
For i = 0 To packages.Size - 1

But how to get a list of all packages installed by the user? (all Apps i am able to uninstall)

Thanks & Greetings ... Kiffi


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I have been using similar code to get the list of applications and application icons and it worked ok, until I upgraded the phone to Lollipop.
Now I get an error on line Dim bdw As BitmapDrawable = pm.GetApplicationIcon(p): "java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to" . When the error is dismissed, it still displays the icon in the listview OK OK.

Edit: Now, I had noticed that it only happens for one application
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You can use a Try Catch block to skip this app.

Thanks Erel. I looked for the package name "" and skipped it when it was in the the loop. But it will be safer to use try-catch as you suggested, just in case (in future) there are other applications with this problem.
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