i am creating a list of lists. The inner list holds a string and two ints. Now if I try to innerlist.get(x) it does not work. Only innerlist(x). And then the string has (String) in front of it.
How can I do this differently? I would like to assign the values directly an not load them individually.
Edit: seems it only works in debug mode so I will have to do it differently
i am creating a list of lists. The inner list holds a string and two ints. Now if I try to innerlist.get(x) it does not work. Only innerlist(x). And then the string has (String) in front of it.
List of list:
Sub Process_Globals
dim const outerlist as list = Array( _
Array as list("some string", 1, 2), _
Array as list("some other string", 3, 4), _
Array as list("some new string", 5, 6))
End Sub
Sub somesub()
For i = 0 to outerlist.size - 1
dim item() as list = outerlist.get(i)
EWnd Sub
How can I do this differently? I would like to assign the values directly an not load them individually.
Edit: seems it only works in debug mode so I will have to do it differently