B4J Code Snippet List of Maps to a B4XTable

Hey there! Excited to share a handy code snippet with you!
This code converts a List of Maps into a format that's perfect for loading into a B4XTable.

It just works when you have a List of Maps like:

("Name":"Brian","Last Name": "Michael", "Age":29),
("Name":"Harold","Last Name": "Pimentel", "Age":27),
("Name":"Kevin","Last Name": "Hunt", "Age":35)

Public Sub ListOfMapToB4XTable(Data As List) As List
    Dim ResultList As List : ResultList.Initialize
    Dim Headers As List : Headers.Initialize
    If Data.Size > 0 Then

        For Each Row As Map In Data
                For Each Key As String In Row.Keys
                    If (Headers.IndexOf(Key) = - 1) Then Headers.Add(Key)

        For Each Row As Map In Data
            If Row <> Null And Row.Size = Headers.Size Then
                Dim r(Headers.Size) As Object
                For i = 0 To Headers.Size - 1
                    If Not(Row.GetValueAt(i) = Null) Then
                        r(i) = Row.GetValueAt(i)
                        r(i) = Null 'You can set a default value
                    End If
            End If
    End If
    Return ResultList
End Sub
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