Android Question List of UTF codings


Hi folks,
according to this thread created by me:
Erel suggested this code:

Private Sub LogEachSimpleEmoji(s As String)
    Dim b() As Byte = s.GetBytes("UTF-32LE")
    For i = 0 To b.Length - 3 Step 4
        Dim s As String = BytesToString(b, i, 4, "UTF-32LE")
End Sub

It works flawlessly. However, I'd like to ask about that coding 'UTF-32LE'. Where it came from? Is there any list of those codings? I've got few of those through the forum, but not this one. Anyway, all those codings look a bit confusing to me. Is any chance to get a comprehensive list of those codings, ideally with some explanation or so?
Thanks for your time folks.
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