on my app, i read a txt file, and i need to pass it in a http job with a api.
i need to "convert" the list into array, and/or this formant: (A,B,C,D,etc)
the http job string, will be:
"https://example.com/api/folder/" & the content of the list as "Array" with value as (A,B,C,D,etc) & "/something else.
some suggestions?
on my app, i read a txt file, and i need to pass it in a http job with a api.
i need to "convert" the list into array, and/or this formant: (A,B,C,D,etc)
the http job string, will be:
"https://example.com/api/folder/" & the content of the list as "Array" with value as (A,B,C,D,etc) & "/something else.
some suggestions?