Hi friends!
Im with a little problem. Im using a view to show the customer buyed items. Im using 2 lines. See the code below:
I want to calibrate the height of the two lines but the object have one ItemHeight propertie. If I not set the Itemheight propertie, the two lines are show but with a big space betwen. When I put 40 the second line is not show. How can I solve this problem?
Im with a little problem. Im using a view to show the customer buyed items. Im using 2 lines. See the code below:
lvProdutos.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight = 40
lvProdutos.TwoLinesLayout.Label.TextSize = 18
lvProdutos.TwoLinesLayout.Label.Height = 32
lvProdutos.TwoLinesLayout.Label.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
lvProdutos.TwoLinesLayout.SecondLabel.TextSize = 18
lvProdutos.TwoLinesLayout.SecondLabel.Height = 32
lvProdutos.TwoLinesLayout.SecondLabel.TextColor = Colors.Yellow