B4J Question ListView / CustomListView - how to, step by step?


Licensed User
Very Newbie.
I want to have a list that shows words and a blob of color.
I have searched for days for examples of how to do this.
Listview comes up a lot, I click on links for more detail and end up on a page that starts 'dont use listview'

I add xCustomListView to the project

Listview view or CustomListView .. neither of these seem to expose addsinglerow, or the many variants of "Tworows and a bitmap"

Is there anywhere a step by step guide to adding and populating a listview that contains more than a list of words?
(the 'tutorials' I have seen so far appear to say 'hey - this is a great class' and end there, rather than tutoring, if you know what I mean.. :>)