That is interesting. In v6.80, when I load and run your test program ListviewExample.SBP, an error is caused at line:
lv.loadSQL(Database,Tabelle,"", SortFeld, True)
in this routine
Sub mnuLoadSQL2_Click
'ohne SQLcommand
lv.loadSQL(Database,Tabelle,"", SortFeld, True)
'mit SQLcommand
' lv.loadSQL(Database,Tabelle,"SELECT " & cmbFeld.Item(0) & "," & cmbFeld.Item(1) & " from [" & Tabelle & "]", SortFeld, True)
End Sub
Here is the text of the error as displayed from basic4ppc:
Error description:
Could not load file or assembly ', Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
mnuLoadSQL1_Click routine works fine but of course it is using the Reader to populate the listview.