Android Question ListView Size


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Hi All

I'm using a ListView simply to display information to the user, so it wont be used for anything fancy. The problem I'm having is that it looks great on a 10" tablet but the smaller the phone the bigger the text and lines become. So on a 10" tablet I might have 10 rows but on a 5" screen I'll only have 3 big rows with big text. I've had a look at the properties of the ListView and nowhere can you specify row height or text sizes. Is there a way to get the listview to resize along with the rest of the views ? or is there a better view that I can use just to display a couple of lines of information ?

Any advice in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.


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Longtime User
How are you defining the size of the elements? Are you using DIP or X%?

You can set the item height and text size for ListView. You need to set the ListView.Label.Height and so on..

You might also need to include a factor to ensure that things are bigger on a Tablet for instance. There's quite a bit of code around, on the Forum that detects if a device is a Tablet or not. The best way would seem to detect Telephony being available and then discounting devices which are known to be tablets, but have telephony - you'll have to search for that.

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Hi eps

Thank you for your reply, the listview doesn't have those properties for me to adjust and this is what's really puzzling me. I have declared the list view as follows in the designer.

Dim lstMessage As ListView

I have all my other views adjusting using designer scripts, except for the list view as it has no settings. I'll give your link suggestion a read, maybe I missed something.

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Reading the link I can see that none of the functions I need are available in the designer script section, this is strange as every other view you can set all the properties within the designer scripts and these will resize accordingly.

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Did you set any of these properties in the code ?
If yes you need to use a scaling for those.
scale = 1 + rate *  ((100%x + 100%y) / (320dip + 430dip) - 1)
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 40 * scale
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 16 * scale
' etc
Where rate is the value of the ScaleRate you used in the DesignerScripts and 40 and 16 only example values.
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Thank you Klaus

I'll try that method tonight, as I understand your sample this would be done in the main code and not in the Designer Scripts section. Is this correct ?

Many thanks
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Longtime User

I avoid talking about ScaleRate that just do not understand,
but in the formula you use 320x430 instead of 320x480.
I fear that the height of the headers change with the changing of the versions of the Android SDK (perhaps even changing the icon?)
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