ListView stopps scrolling after some up/down


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i am posting here because i don't know how to attach a zip-file at StackOverflow...

Maybe someone can help me with this...
I have modified the "SlidingPanels" demo, using the reflection library to uses the touch-listeners...
My problem is that the ListView stops scrolling after some scroll up and downs.
If i set a breakpoint and then continue running the project, the ListView starts working again...

      If (v Is ListView) Then
         'if y-way is greater than x-way -> let the list scroll
[B][I](159) BREAKPOINT HERE[/I][/B]          If (Abs(sd.fSlideWayY) > Abs(sd.fSlideWayX)) Then Return False
      End If

Any ideas why this happens?:confused:

This looks like to happen not in the Emulator, but on my device (Galaxy Tab 10.1).
I found out that the List starts scrolling again if i go to the home-screen and back to my app...
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