Android Question LiteSQL database


Licensed User
Hi all!

It is possible to show all "DBname" existing in a folder on a "ScrollView" and select what DBname you want work with?

or exist a better solution for this task.

or any suggestion.

thanks in advance for help.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
As a database is just a file, just show the filenames if you like (File.ListFiles).

Usually you use ONE database with SOME tables for an app. With it you organize the data (and who sees it). Using several db's is good for several servers or for backups, etc. Maybe you could explain a bit more what you want to do.
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Licensed User
Hi KMatle!

so easy like that (File.ListFiles)

how can I make about Initialize DB at "ServiceStart" ( if I have more DB in folder)
I admit another problem here...
any suggestion or help for this task will be appreciate

just more info about what I want make......

I want the user select or create a lottery. ( DBname)
ex: the user create lottery september...
I want he have access to
add, modifie ,name, number of this (user)(in 3 table)

if he want create a new one( like december ) ,, I want he have access at september or
december ( like a list ) until he choose to delete one.

I have think to create database for each lottery..
or any suggesion better of DB for this task, will be appreciate.

any help are I appreciate
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