Italian little help


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Can someone help me with a translation to italian for the bellow app description thanks !
Feel free to change my exprimation.

Kids will have to associate uppercase letters with lowercase letters .
This app can be used by anyone that wish to learn aphabet in a nice and didactical way .

Note that the letters were not put in the correct order , this isses was constrained by teaching purposes raised by dyslexia .
Kid will have to push on worm buttons , if the letter is well chosen then fish will come to eat the worms otherwise they will go away.

Thank you !


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Longtime User
Do you mean from "Kids will.." to "they will go away"?
If that is what you need, here it is:

I bambini dovranno associare lettere maiuscole a lettere minuscole.
Questa app può essere utilizzata da chiunque desideri imparare l'alfabeto in modo carino (divertente?) e didatticamente efficace.

Da notare che le lettere non sono poste nell'ordine corretto; ciò dipende dall'impostazione didattica dovuta alla considerazione per la dislessia.
I bambini dovranno pigiare sui bottoni a forma di verme e, se la scelta della lettera sarà corretta, un pesce verrà a mangiare i vermi altrimenti si allontanerà.

Have a nice day.


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Worm alphabet for dyslexia

Literally it should be: Il verme alafabeto per la dislessia

But I'd use "alphabet" as an adjective instead of a noun, so to have:

Vermi alfabetici per dislessia (or, maybe better, "Esche alfabetiche per dislessia")
or even better
Esche alfabetiche per dislessici (or Vermi alfabetici per dislessici ) --> (i.e. Alphabet worms for the dyslexic)
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