Bug? LoadLayout animation


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I use desinger, and than I load layout using LoadLayout.
Since some version, loaded layout shows with animation.
The problem is that this animation is shown only on first run.
After that i only get layout shown with delay instead of animation.

It can reproduced using B4A-Bridge.
On first run all elements are shown with animation effect.
Then i stars Wireless, so i get pernament notification.
Then i hit back button, and after that i hit the notification, and layout is shown with delay and no animation.


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Are you sure that the activity is actually recreated at that point? Maybe it only resumes.
I'm not sure if it's recreated or resumed.
In B4A-Bridge it looks like this.
When I close it using Home Key and then i call it back by hiting notification icon - it looks ok, like its resumed.
When I close it using Back key and then call it back with the notification - it appears with some delay instead of the animation.

It's on Galaxy s5 with Android 5.0.
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I'm not sure if I can set the duration for LoadLayout?
I'll try that with SetLayoutAnimated method.

Found it
I'll give it a try.
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There is an example.
It looks like there is always a small delay before the animation starts.
The default duration of 400ms is a bit too fast and it looks like the layout is displayed without animation with just a delay.
When the duration is set to 1000ms there is also a delay, but it's much shorter than the animation, so it looks ok.
When the duration is set to 0, the layout is loaded without this delay.


  • test_load_layout.zip
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