Is there anyway to extend the time the local notification message displays at the top of the iPad screen? (My iPad app is running in the background). It looks like it displays for about 5 secs and then slides up and out of view. Is there any way to display it longer or until the user touches it to make it go away?
Dim ln As Notification
ln.Initialize(DateTime.Now + 6 * DateTime.TicksPerSecond) '6 seconds from now
ln.IconBadgeNumber = 5
ln.AlertBody = "Reminder: Ice/Fuel XF Check"
ln.PlaySound = True
hd.ToastMessageShow("Notification will fire in 6 seconds.", False)
Is there anyway to extend the time the local notification message displays at the top of the iPad screen? (My iPad app is running in the background). It looks like it displays for about 5 secs and then slides up and out of view. Is there any way to display it longer or until the user touches it to make it go away?
Dim ln As Notification
ln.Initialize(DateTime.Now + 6 * DateTime.TicksPerSecond) '6 seconds from now
ln.IconBadgeNumber = 5
ln.AlertBody = "Reminder: Ice/Fuel XF Check"
ln.PlaySound = True
hd.ToastMessageShow("Notification will fire in 6 seconds.", False)