Android Question Lock System Date/time


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Is there a way not to allow changing of date/time of the device?

We are creating an app which is date sensitive and we don't want our users to tinker with the date and time of the device.


Emme Developer

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Is there a way not to allow changing of date/time of the device?

We are creating an app which is date sensitive and we don't want our users to tinker with the date and time of the device.

You can't prevent to allow user to change the data/time of his device. You can use a NTP server to works with data and check correctly the current
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You can use this code which checks if "Automatic date and time" system setting is enabled on the device:
Sub CheckAutoTime As Boolean
   Dim p As Phone
   Dim s As String
   If p.SdkVersion >= 17 Then s = "android.provider.Settings.Global" Else  s = "android.provider.Settings.System"
   Dim ctxt As JavaObject
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   Return jo.InitializeStatic(s).RunMethod("getInt", Array(ctxt.RunMethod("getContentResolver", Null), "auto_time", 0)) = 1
End Sub
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we don't want our users to tinker with the date and time of the device.
Getting the time from a time server:
But what happened when there is no internet connectivity? I think the SNTP date/time is the same as system date/time, in which case it can be changed and tampered with. Am I wrong?
You can use this code which checks if "Automatic date and time" system setting is enabled on the device:
But that does not prevent one from turning the auto time off in settings, change the date/time manually, save records with the tampered date/time and turn auto on again. Am I wrong?
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