I'm confused.
In the log-window there's a butten labled Clear. It's supposed to clear the logs. Or?
It do clear the window but NOT the log.
In the beginning of my program I print current time to the log.
If I run the program. Exit and then clear with the button the window is cleard.
BUT when I then run my program again, I still have the old loggs showing up in the window.
So the button clears the window but not the logs.
After running the program several times the window is totally messed up and I have a hard time to know what are new logs or old...
Is it supposed to work like this?
I want to clear the window AND the logs before I run my program to better see what happens.
Supplied are a pic from the log-window. I run the program at 19:01. THEN cleared the window.
Then I run it again at 19:20 and the old logs comes back.
If it's supposed to work like this, the button is of no use.