LogCat and adb server - out of date

Rick in North Carolina

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Longtime User
Forgive me if this has been answered (i searched the forum before posting this), but LogCat keeps giving a message about adb server out of date when I hit the "Connect" button (this has been hapenning since I upgraded to 1.5... haven't upgraded to the latest yet...):

LogCat connected to: HT9C4
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *

I also get this message when I compile to device:

Installing file to device. Error
** daemon still not runningerror: cannot connect to daemon

Restarting ADB Server may solve this problem.
Tools - Restart ADB Server. Device serial: HT9C4

My HTC Hero is running 2.1



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ADB Error

I ran into an issue like this when I downloaded a custom AVD for a device. I looked in the Android sdk folder and found two level 8 directories after installing the custom device AVD. I deleted the directory for the custom AVD and got mine running again. Not sure if this helps. Sounds like it might be an Android SDK issue and not B4A. Might try the AVD Manager and look at installed packages and see if it all looks correct. You might also connect your device and do not load B4A. Shell to a CMD prompt and issue a few ADB commands and see if the commands work with your device. If they don't work, that confirms it's not in B4A. Hope you find it.

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Rick in North Carolina

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Longtime User
adb and HTC Sync

Thanks for the direction Margret, yes I too believed it was the sdk and not B4.
I had 2 instances of adb.exe on my computer.... android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\ (of course) and HTC Sync 3.0. I ran both from the windows cmd prompt> "adb devices"

(click on image to see)

Ok, so the \HTC Sync 3.0\ adb.exe (along with AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll) was the good one. I copied these files to overwrite the \android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\ and yes, it now works as it should (though 1 thing made me curious... the HTC adb.exe is 2 meg and the android-sdk-windows adb.exe is only 402 K.......)

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