adb and HTC Sync
Thanks for the direction Margret, yes I too believed it was the sdk and not B4.
I had 2 instances of adb.exe on my computer.... android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\ (of course) and HTC Sync 3.0. I ran both from the windows cmd prompt> "adb devices"
(click on image to see)
Ok, so the \HTC Sync 3.0\ adb.exe (along with AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll) was the good one. I copied these files to overwrite the \android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\ and yes, it now works as it should (though 1 thing made me curious... the HTC adb.exe is 2 meg and the android-sdk-windows adb.exe is only 402 K.......)