Hello everyone, i'm newbie and i would like to create a login & registration page with database using XAMPP. I also browse some projects here that has a database using XAMMP but didn't work for me. Can someone help me :<
Hello everyone, i'm newbie and i would like to create a login & registration page with database using XAMPP. I also browse some projects here that has a database using XAMMP but didn't work for me. Can someone help me :<
Register User example using OkHttpUtils2 Updates: This project is deprecated. Please check User Login + MySQL PHP API https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/user-login-mysql-php-api.117826/ Introduction This code snippet is based on the thread posted by KMatle in Tutorials &...
Update: Newer releases of XAMPP come with MariaDB except of MySQL. Basically the same but the php scripts have to be changed a little bit: - mysql is changed to mysqli - "$con" (variable that holds the connection) has to be added to every sql statement "mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM...