LongClick timing too short


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In one of my apps there are Favorites buttons which are selected with a short click. A long click is used to redefine the favorite.

Some users with slow fingers complain that they get the long click when they meant to get a short click. Is there a way to increase the long click timing delay?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't know if you can change the long click delay, but shouldn't you be able to use a timer to accomplish the same? Sure it's more code but it's an easy solution.
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I use the routine below in one of my apps where it's easy to press the Okay button too fast. It might work for you. It doesn't require a timer, just a Global variable like LastOkayTime.

Sub btnOkay_Click
   DateTime.DateFormat = "h:mm a"
   now = DateTime.now
   ' Stop accidental multiple presses of Okay button:
   If now - LastOkayTime < 200 Then 
   End If
   LastOkayTime = now
End Sub
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