I was looking for some advice on developing an app which allows a company to track their vehicles, using Google Maps.
I understand from the Google maps examples how to present a map with a pointer showing a particular location.
The issue is that there may be 1, 10, 100, or even 1000 vehicles that need to be tracked, which presents the problem of how the vehicle's location is to be reported back to base.
A permanent connection back to base from each vehicle/phone is out of the question as there could be too many connections running at the same time, I would think.
I was looking at alternatives - eg, Using FTP to send the location points from each vehicle every few minutes. (Then be monitored by an app at the base which can process each vehicle's location). The downside of this approach is that literally thousands of FTP uploads/downloads will take place every day.
That's the best I can come up with - Just wondering if there may be a better way to do this.