If you wish, I can help you, as we have several vehicle tracking and logistics projects.
You can tell me internally what your project is about.
I have been able to get the phone (with the truck driver) to send a text file using FTP to a website. That works perfectly. The server then interogates the website, downloading the various text files (again using FTP), and matching them with each vehicle (using the phone number).
I would prefer to not use FTP as I have had the experience of websites shutting down if too many FTP calls are made.
This then leads me to use either HTTP/PHP or use an on-line database to record the vehicle movements.
I am committed to using a mobile phone for the application.
The record layout would be something like - PhoneNumber, GPS Co-Ordinate1, GPS Co-Ordinate2, Date/Time Stamp
The phone would upload the data only if the GPS Co-Ordinates change significantly.
I have found that repeatedly transmitting the co-ordinates from a stationary location can fluctuate slightly.
So, I guess I need to try updating an on-line database from the phone - then later download the records for processing by the server.
This is new ground for me so I will hunt the forums for examples on how to do this.
Thank you all for your keen interest and depth of experience in this subject.
Any help, and suggestions with this is greatly appreciated !