Android Question Loop backgroundmusic without pause?


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Longtime User
Hey, me again

Today's problem: I use Mediaplayer for Backgroundmusic. I want it to loop the soundfile (*.ogg)
It loops it, but with a short pause at the end/new beginning.

The soundfile itself has no pause, in audacity it loops perfectly, but in my app there is always a pause.

I've tried it with loop = true and because this don't work, with the complete event to start it again... both did not work :/

Is this even possible with Mediaplayer? For Soundpool the file is to long... Are there some other tricks to loop it perfectly?

Thanks in advance


B4X founder
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It will probably be easier to convert the file to a mp3 and repeat it 10 times.

Put this code in the starter service:
Sub Process_Globals
    Private MediaPlayers As List
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
    MediaPlayers = Array(CreateMediaPlayer, CreateMediaPlayer)
End Sub

Private Sub Play
    For Each mp As MediaPlayer In MediaPlayers
        mp.Load(File.DirAssets, "1.ogg")
    Dim index As Int
    Do While True
        Dim mp1 As MediaPlayer = MediaPlayers.Get(index Mod 2)
        Dim mp2 As MediaPlayer = MediaPlayers.Get((index + 1) Mod 2)
        index = index + 1
        mp2.Load(File.DirAssets, "1.ogg")
End Sub

Private Sub CreateMediaPlayer As MediaPlayer
    Dim mp As MediaPlayer
    Return mp
End Sub

It needs some fine tuning.
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