B4R Question LoRa RYLR998 wait for transmission to complete before sending another

Tim Chapman

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
If I send one transmission right after another, I get an error.
I need to wait until the LoRa module returns "+OK" before I can send again.
How is the best way to do this?
Thank you in advance for all the help!

My code is below

B4R Code:
#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
'Ctrl+Click to open the C code folder: ide://run?File=%WINDIR%\System32\explorer.exe&Args=%PROJECT%\Objects\Src

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    'TXD1/RXD1 Serial for RYLR998
    Private SerialNative1 As Stream 'https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/additional-hardware-serial-ports.67150/
    Private eol() As Byte = Array As Byte(13, 10)
    Private stream1 As AsyncStreams
    Dim StartTime As ULong
    Dim DoneTime As ULong
    Dim TXTime As ULong
    Dim TXOK As Boolean = True
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    'Serial for RYLR998 connected to Hardware Serial Port 1.
    RunNative("SerialNative1", Null)
    stream1.Initialize(SerialNative1, "RYLR998_NewData", Null)
    LoRaSend("Ready for Liftoff!", " Buckle up!")
    TXOK = False
    'Here I need to wait until OK is received before sending again.  
    LoRaSend("Ready for Liftoff!2", " Buckle up!")
End Sub

#if C
void SerialNative1(B4R::Object* unused) {
 ::Serial1.begin(115200); //<--You can change the baud rate
 b4r_main::_serialnative1->wrappedStream = &::Serial1;
#end if

Private Sub LoRaSend(SendData1 As String, SendData2 As String)
    'Send data via RYLR998 connected to Hardware Serial Port 1.
    Dim SendData As String = JoinStrings(Array As String(SendData1, SendData2))
    'Log("Send Data = ", SendData)
    Dim ReceiverAddress As Byte = 1 '0 to 65535.  Must match reciever's address.
    Dim Buffer() As Byte = JoinStrings(Array As String("AT+SEND=",ReceiverAddress,",",SendData.Length,",",SendData))
    StartTime = Millis
    Log("SendData = ",SendData)
    Log("StartTime = ", StartTime)
    SerialNative1.WriteBytes(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)
    SerialNative1.WriteBytes(eol, 0, eol.Length)
End Sub

Sub RYLR998_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    DoneTime = Millis
    'Log("Received from RYLR998: '",Buffer,"'")
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    Log("Substring = ", bc.SubString2(Buffer,1,3))
    'Substring will = "OK" when transmission is done.
    'If Substring is OK, then it is OK to send something else.
    TXTime = DoneTime - StartTime
    Log("TX Time = ", TXTime)
    Log(" ")
    TXOK = True
End Sub

Tim Chapman

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you Erel!
Here is my resulting code.
The Looper is only for testing to make it transmit messages as fast as possible to see how fast it will go.
Something more useful can be done like reading sensors and sending the results.

B4R Code:
#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
'Ctrl+Click to open the C code folder: ide://run?File=%WINDIR%\System32\explorer.exe&Args=%PROJECT%\Objects\Src

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    'TXD1/RXD1 Serial for RYLR998
    Private SerialNative1 As Stream 'https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/additional-hardware-serial-ports.67150/
    Private eol() As Byte = Array As Byte(13, 10)
    Private stream1 As AsyncStreams
    Dim StartTime As ULong
    Dim DoneTime As ULong
    Dim TXTime As ULong
    Dim busy As Boolean = False
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart

    'Serial for RYLR998 connected to Hardware Serial Port 1.
    RunNative("SerialNative1", Null)
    stream1.Initialize(SerialNative1, "RYLR998_NewData", Null)
End Sub

#if C
void SerialNative1(B4R::Object* unused) {
 ::Serial1.begin(115200); //<--You can change the baud rate
 b4r_main::_serialnative1->wrappedStream = &::Serial1;
#end if

Private Sub LoRaSend(SendData1 As String, SendData2 As String)
    busy = True
    'Send data via RYLR998 connected to Hardware Serial Port 1.
    Dim SendData As String = JoinStrings(Array As String(SendData1, SendData2))
    'Log("Send Data = ", SendData)
    Dim ReceiverAddress As Byte = 1 '0 to 65535.  Must match reciever's address.
    Dim Buffer() As Byte = JoinStrings(Array As String("AT+SEND=",ReceiverAddress,",",SendData.Length,",",SendData))
    StartTime = Millis
    Log("SendData = ",SendData)
    Log("StartTime = ", StartTime)
    SerialNative1.WriteBytes(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)
    SerialNative1.WriteBytes(eol, 0, eol.Length)
End Sub

Sub RYLR998_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    DoneTime = Millis
    'Log("Received from RYLR998: '",Buffer,"'")
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    Log("Substring = ", bc.SubString2(Buffer,1,3))
    TXTime = DoneTime - StartTime
    Log("TX Time = ", TXTime)
    Log(" ")
    busy = False
    'Substring will = "OK" when transmission is done.
    'If Substring is OK, then it is OK to send something else.
End Sub

Private Sub FastLoop
    If busy = False Then LoRaSend("Ready for Liftoff!", " Buckle up!")
End Sub
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