Hi to all.
First of all, My English is bad so i am sorry.
I am using B4A for long time, and I am thankful to B4X community and Erel, Because it changes my programming life.
This is my first semi-pro library, So i hope it will be useful for you.
This lib contains 4 Classes and one manifest attribute for changing theme in version 1.00.
1- MaatisaScaleFont v1.00 Class: Balanced
2- MaatisaLinkSupport v1.00 Class: Labels with Link Support.
3- MaatisaCustomToast v1.00 Class: A custom toast message with custom FontFamily, FontColor, FontSize, Shape Color and Shape's border radius.
In "Initialize" method you can set your default msg, Or change it for once time in "Show" method, That means if msg in "Show" method be empty it uses default msg.
4- MaatisaPersianNumber v1.00 Class: Converts any digits to Persian digits. (It is useful to Middle-East users, Persian, Arabic and...)
Source Codes and Documents are available in zip file to download.
5- Available themes in Library: [Contains 20 Themes]
How it Works: [use this line in manifest]:
Image of Theme colors:
Some screenshots:
MaatisaLibs v1.00
I hope you Enjoy!
First of all, My English is bad so i am sorry.
I am using B4A for long time, and I am thankful to B4X community and Erel, Because it changes my programming life.
This is my first semi-pro
This lib contains 4 Classes and one manifest attribute for changing theme in version 1.00.
1- MaatisaScaleFont v1.00 Class: Balanced
in any Devices.How to work:
MaatisaScaleFont Class:
Sub Globals
Dim msp1 As MSP
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
msp1.Initialize(Activity.Width) 'Initialize lib object with width of your Activity
Dim lbl As Label
lbl.Text = $"Maatisa ScaleFont [sp] Library${CRLF}Written by Mohsen Torabi"$
lbl.SingleLine = False
lbl.Textsize = msp1.sp(15) 'Set best font size to Label
Activity.AddView(lbl , 0 , 0 , 100%x , 10%y)
End Sub
2- MaatisaLinkSupport v1.00 Class: Labels with Link Support.
How to work:
MaatisaLinkSupport Class:
Dim lbl1 as Label
Dim mls1 As MaatisaLinkSupport
3- MaatisaCustomToast v1.00 Class: A custom toast message with custom FontFamily, FontColor, FontSize, Shape Color and Shape's border radius.
How to work:
MaatisaCustomToast Class:
Dim mct1 As MaatisaCustomToast
mct1.Initialize("Welcome to Maatisa products", Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, Colors.Black, 16, Colors.Yellow, 20dip)
mct1.Show("" , True)
4- MaatisaPersianNumber v1.00 Class: Converts any digits to Persian digits. (It is useful to Middle-East users, Persian, Arabic and...)
How to work:
MaatisaPersianNumber Class:
Dim mpn1 As MaatisaPersianNumber
Activity.Title = mpn1.PerNumber("1234567890")
Source Codes and Documents are available in zip file to download.
5- Available themes in Library: [Contains 20 Themes]
Themes: [use with Macro]:
Dark [Default dark theme]
Light [Default light theme]
Blue [Dark parent]
Orange [Light parent]
Pink [Light parent]
Purple [Light parent]
Cyan [Light parent]
Brown [Dark parent]
Yellow [Dark parent]
Darkness [Dark parent]
Maatisa1 [Dark parent]
Maatisa2 [Dark parent]
Maatisa3 [Dark parent]
Maatisa4 [Dark parent]
Maatisa5 [Dark parent]
Maatisa6 [Dark parent]
Maatisa7 [Light parent]
Maatisa8 [Dark parent]
Maatisa9 [Dark parent]
Maatisa10 [Dark parent]
How it Works: [use this line in manifest]:
Manifest Editor:
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, MaatisaLibs.Blue)
Image of Theme colors:
Some screenshots:
MaatisaLibs v1.00
I hope you Enjoy!