I've built a Mac app using MacSigner. The process was smooth and the final app was successfully signed and notarized.
Now, if I double click the app file, a window (not from my app) is shortly open and then closed without any message
If I go to the appname.app/Contents/MacOS and run the executable from there, the app is working as expected.
Why I cannot run the application by just double clicking on the app file?
It is mostly impossible to run non-notarized and unsigned apps on new versions of Mac. MacSigner tool will help you with the various steps required to convert the app jar to a notarized and signed app package. Requirements Mac computer. Apple developer account ($99 per year). Java The java...
Yes. I've tried with a simple application and is working too, but with my app don't.
It works only if I'm running the executable directly from the notarized app package.
The description for XUI.SetDataFolder states that on other platforms than Windows does nothing. Tried with XUI 2.54.
Other than this observation, now the packaged and notarized application is working as expected and the configuration files are created in the expected location.