Hi pmu5757,
I had a look at your program and have some comments.
Are you porting the program from VB ?
- the error you got in post #9 , like Zenerdiode pointed out, came from bmpGameWindows.Dispose.
- there are other typos in there: Ibouton.Texte must be Ibouton.Text
- lines Goto fin2, Goto fin3 can be replaced by Return
- be careful with the other Goto's, B4PPC is more tricky with Goto's than VB
- Goto debut with debut: not beeing in the same routine will not work, could be replaced by démarrer.Show
- Goto li could be replaced by:
- Goto oups replaced by toure
Table2.LoadCSV (AppPath & "\parties\" sel.Text & ".csv", ",", True, True)
should be
Table2.LoadCSV (AppPath & "\parties\" & sel.Text & ".csv", ",", True, True)
I couldn't look further because of missing pictures.
I answer only today, I was on travel during the last 5 days.
Best regards.