I'm having checkboxes with Farsi text which is a right-to-left language. So, naturally, a checkbox should appear on the right side of its text, and everything must be aligned to the right. I've been playing around with CSSUtils and direct style properties without success.
Can anyone please help me with this?
Thank you so much in advance.
Thanks a lot Cableguy!
You pointed me in the right direction. I went digging into javaobject and found a lot of stuff, including the answer to most of my problems!
It's an old thread and certainly problem got a solution But I recently had the same problem because I wanted to center checkbox in a rectangle. As I didn't want to create manually a panel for each checkbox, I created a new class, XCheckbox, which supersedes Checkbox.
To use it, simply add the class in your application:
Sub Globals
Private CHK As CheckBox
Private CHK2 As CheckBox
Private CHK3 As CheckBox
Private XCHK,XCHK2,XCHK3 As XCheckbox
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub xxx
If CHK.Checked And ... then ...
XCHK2.mLabel.Text = "New label for CHK"
End Sub
Example for 3 different initial checkboxes :
Note : there is a conditional statement in the file because I use a library for all my development.