Hi all, anyone got some info on creating a manifest file and setting the class-path for jar files. Deploying first web server app and merge libraries is false so I need some guidelines with regards to deploying the associated jar file the app requires.
The manifest file is created automatically. You should see a message such as this one in the compilation window:
The following libraries should be distributed in the libs folder:
jCore.jar jFX.jar CSSUtils.jar JavaObject.jar Json.jar
The mentioned libraries should be copied to a folder named libs:
--- All libraires here
Thanks for the info, I have done as you suggested, when I run the jar file (GUI app) no GUI loads, when it is run within the IDE it loads. Am I missing something basic ?
My plan is to have a common folder with all the libs required by all our new server apps (each server app has a GUI mnager), I wll be suing inno setup for the install and hopefully use the -cp (classpath) in the apps so there point to the common lib folder.