B4J Code Snippet Map and List Initiators - a work-around

As requested by @aeric and others, this is a work around for string keys and values, while anticipating a better solution.

Add this code module to your App

'Static code module NU
Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
End Sub

Sub Map(s As String) As Map        'ignore
    Dim mp As Map
    Dim q() As String = Regex.Split("'", s & Chr(255))
    If q.Length Mod 2 = 1 Then
        For i = 0 To q.length - 2 Step 2
            Dim w() As String = Regex.Split(",", q(i))
            For j = 0 To w.Length - 2
                Dim v() As String = Regex.Split(":", w(j))
                mp.Put(v(0).Trim.ToLowerCase, v(1).Trim)
            v = Regex.Split(":", q(i + 1))
            mp.Put(v(0).Trim.ToLowerCase, v(1).Trim)
    End If
    Return mp
End Sub

Sub List(s As String) As List        'ignore
    Dim lst As List
    Dim q() As String = Regex.Split("'", s & Chr(255))
    If q.Length Mod 2 = 1 Then
        For i = 0 To q.length - 2 Step 2
            Dim w() As String = Regex.Split(",", q(i))
            For j = 0 To w.Length - 2
            lst.Add(q(i + 1))
    End If
    Return lst
End Sub

Sub SB As StringBuilder        'ignore
    Dim sbx As StringBuilder
    Return sbx
End Sub


    Dim myName As String = "William, Lancee"
    Dim mp As Map = NU.Map($"1:A, 2:B, 3:C, 'NAME:${myName}', 5:DDDD"$)
    Dim lst As List = NU.List("cat, dog, giraffe, 'rabbit, out of a hat'")

    Log(mp.Get("name"))        'William, Lancee
    Log(lst.Get(3))            'rabbit, out of a hat

William Lancee

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Longtime User
I have experimented with property maps and found a really good solution using custom Type structures.
The IDE will use intellisense and case insensitivity. You may find it useful.

Example (extracts from a project):
    Type titleSpec(Alignment As String, Background As Int, Font As B4XFont, TextColor As Int, BorderThickness As Int, BorderColor As Int, BorderCorner As Int)
    Type headerSpec(Alignment As String, Background As Int, Font As B4XFont, TextColor As Int, BorderThickness As Int, BorderColor As Int, BorderCorner As Int)

    Public titleGUI As titleSpec
    Public headerGUI As headerSpec

    titleGUI.Alignment = "center"
    titleGUI.Background = xui.Color_White
    titleGUI.Font = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(20 - fsAdjust)
    titleGUI.TextColor = xui.Color_Black
    titleGUI.BorderThickness = 0
    titleGUI.BorderColor = 0
    titleGUI.BorderCorner = 0

    headerGUI.Alignment = "center"
    headerGUI.Background = xui.Color_White
    headerGUI.Font = xui.CreateDefaultFont(18 - fsAdjust)
    headerGUI.TextColor = xui.Color_Black
    headerGUI.BorderThickness = 0
    headerGUI.BorderColor = 0
    headerGUI.BorderCorner = 0