With a snippet I can add plain text.
For b4j I've found this example that let me add an html infowindow: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jgooglemaps-library.56744/#post-365335
For android, here is possible to use GoogleMapsExtras InfowindowAdapter
Is there something similar on ios ? I didn't find, sorry.
Dim m1 = gmap.AddMarker2(45, 8, "Opened by default", Colors.Red) As Marker
m1.Snippet = "Marker second "&CRLF&"<b>bold</b> plain"
For b4j I've found this example that let me add an html infowindow: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jgooglemaps-library.56744/#post-365335
For android, here is possible to use GoogleMapsExtras InfowindowAdapter
Is there something similar on ios ? I didn't find, sorry.