MapView - ScaleBarOverlay and MyLocationOverlay


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First, thanks for an amazing library.

I am trying to put the scale bar and compass in the lower right-hand corner. I am wondering what the X and Y parameters refer to in SetOffset and SetCompassCenter. They are floats, from my testing they don't appear to be pixels.

Do they represent a percent of the width or height of the MapView?

When using SetPosition for the scale bar, does this define the point from which the offset is calculated?

SetOffset (X As Float, Y As Float)
Set the offset at which to display the scale bar on the map.
Default offset is (10, 10)
SetPosition (Position As Int)
Set the position to display the scale bar within the MapView.
Possible values are:

SetCompassCenter (X As Float, Y As Float)
Set the point at which the compass should be drawn within the MapView.
Default value is (35, 35).

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