Basic for Android Rocks!!! I have created a program for tablets (tested on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1) it receives data from a microntroller that I programmed (PIC32) to read J1939CANBus data from up to 4 marine engines at once, which then sends the data via bluetooth to the Tablet.... the tablet then displays engine parameter values on the gages, as well as engine diagnostic codes, and it also uses the GPS to display vessel speed.... The program is far enough along now to make it's first appearance on this site....
I again say Basic for Androids rocks..... this has been a very complex project, but I have been able to devlop this in less than a month after having purchased BasicForAndroid.......... After I get some more testing done on a few more boats I will find a supplier that can manufacture my PIC32 device, then put the App on the Market....... the buttons below the scroll list are for my testing right now, but will be nicer and will have functions related to the App... Curently it can monitor 530 different engine parameters at once, though conceivably could monitor much more, but I picked only engine related parameters from J1939
I again say Basic for Androids rocks..... this has been a very complex project, but I have been able to devlop this in less than a month after having purchased BasicForAndroid.......... After I get some more testing done on a few more boats I will find a supplier that can manufacture my PIC32 device, then put the App on the Market....... the buttons below the scroll list are for my testing right now, but will be nicer and will have functions related to the App... Curently it can monitor 530 different engine parameters at once, though conceivably could monitor much more, but I picked only engine related parameters from J1939
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