Hi All,
I am trying to get the correct process for MarkerDragListener operation when there are multiple markers.
In the code below there are two markers and originally I "Dimensioned" a DragListener for each marker with a corresponding Sub for each marker-drag. I found that only one sub was called, and called when either marker was dragged.
1. Is this correct or have I missed something?
2. If correct how do I differentiate the markers for different Subs or different actions within the Sub.
Regards Roger
I am trying to get the correct process for MarkerDragListener operation when there are multiple markers.
In the code below there are two markers and originally I "Dimensioned" a DragListener for each marker with a corresponding Sub for each marker-drag. I found that only one sub was called, and called when either marker was dragged.
1. Is this correct or have I missed something?
2. If correct how do I differentiate the markers for different Subs or different actions within the Sub.
Sub Map_Ready
Log("map ready")
gmap = mFragment.GetMap
If gmap.IsInitialized = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Error initializing map.", True)
'Create BTSMarker Options including ICON
Dim BTSOptions As MarkerOptions
Dim BitmapDescriptor1 As BitmapDescriptor
Dim BitmapDescriptorFactory1 As BitmapDescriptorFactory
BTSOptions.Position2(BTSLat, BTSLng).Snippet("pkt").Title("BASE")
'Creat BTS marker and "Drag" listener
BTSMarker=GoogleMapsExtras1.AddMarker(gmap, BTSOptions)
Dim BTSDragListener As OnMarkerDragListener
'Create LANDMarker Options including ICON
Dim LANDOptions As MarkerOptions
Dim BitmapDescriptor2 As BitmapDescriptor
Dim BitmapDescriptorFactory2 As BitmapDescriptorFactory
LANDOptions.Position2(LANDLat, LANDLng).Snippet("pkt").Title("LANDMARK")
'Creat LANDMarker marker and "Drag" listener
LANDMarker =GoogleMapsExtras1.AddMarker(gmap, LANDOptions)
'Dim LANDDragListener As OnMarkerDragListener
cp.Initialize2(MapLat, MapLng, MapZoom, MapBearing, 0 )
gmap.maptype = MapTypeInt
'MapTypeInt: 1=Road Map, 2=Satellite, 3=Terrain, 4=Satellite with Labels
gmap.GetUiSettings.CompassEnabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub BTSDragListener_DragEnd(Marker1 As Marker)
Dim BTSLatLng As LatLng
BTSLatLng = BTSMarker.Position
BTSLat = BTSLatLng.Latitude
BTSLng = BTSLatLng.Longitude
End Sub
Regards Roger