Wish Material and FontAwesome icons from 0x#### code


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I have a wish which might be useful to other users as well

Here is the case:
Yesterday I did something stupid because of excessive work hours. I tried to create a panel with some labels (runtime) which have as text some icons of the two TypeFaces mentioned. I searched in the corresponding form as seen bellow:

As you can see it displays the 0x#### code of the icon when you hover over it. I took this and wrote it down but forgot to write down from which typeface/font this code came from. It would be really nice if I could avoid trying to "debug" the 0x#### codes (to find out from which font I took it) by having a text box in this dialog where I could write this code and by clicking on the radio buttons to display this icon to me in a label for example.


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Darned... I can't delete this thread. The solution is already created by typing the 0x#### code in the Filter. Sorry...


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I just noticed another thing which answers de facto without searching. All FontAwesome icons start with 0xF### and all Material icons start with 0xE###. Of course I've searched randomly in the sets and if the sample was not characteristic of the typeface then I may be wrong.


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Longtime User
Yes, as @Sandman said, this is very useful information for most of us, specially beginners.

So keep this thread.


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