Android Question Material Drawer V0.5 beta


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This thread is about the beta phase of my newest wrap. It is a wrap for this Github project: Material Drawer by Mike Penz

At present the library is based on Version 5.8.1 of the Github project

The Library and download can be found HERE

Mike Penz (Github) / DonManfred (wrapper)
Version: 0.9 beta

this contains the (most probably a bit chaotic) code for the example i build so far.
So i just tried out how work this, and this and the code came up chaotic....
I´m sure more examples will follow in future. Maybe made from one of the beatestes? (grins)
this zip contains the folder "resource"
copy this folder to your Project or maybe to your additional libraries folder.
you need to adapt the #additionalres directive to match your folder and
Copy all files to your additional libs folder
Contains all needed AAR files. Copy them all to your additional libs folder

The library depends on some other JARs from the google Maven repository.

Post any questions regarding this librarywrap in this Thread please.

Note that this library wrap is in development and subject to be changed before releasing the library.

The example at present state shows all i have tried so far.
Some features are not tested at all.
Some features does not work as yet. The profile and everything about the profileheaderdraweritem for example.

The Library and download can be found HERE
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So nice of you to support this development, I had to switch to android studio, to get more material design complements and obtain a good material drawer.
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Any updates on the profile and account header ? i've tried so many ways lol i just cant seem to get it working
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Any updates on the profile and account header ?
I´ve worked on other projects (mostly customers) in the last months.

sorry, no.

What i can say is that the lib as yet does not work with b4a 6. I did not get it to run smoothly (Exceptions).

Still need to find out what´s wrong here.
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I´ve worked on other projects (mostly customers) in the last months.

sorry, no.

What i can say is that the lib as yet does not work with b4a 6. I did not get it to run smoothly (Exceptions).

Still need to find out what´s wrong here.

any way thank you for your efforts, by the way i'm working on the Lib and with B4A 6 and had no problems.
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After so much headache and test i finally managed to get the header to work along with the hamburger indicator, actually it's not a header it's only a panel with the views arranged manually to look like a header and which gives more power to edit ... now it's the footer time really amazing Lib the possibilities are endless


  • ww.png
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  • ww2.png
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in Post #6 of this thread you show a screenshot with a drawer below the (translucent) StatusBar. Was this done with DonManfreds library? Maybe with an older version?

I'm currently working on a new version of the DesignSupport library which will include a Drawer. I found out that it is a big problem to get the drawer show correctly under the translucent StatusBar but I think I'm close to a fully working solution. Some weird stuff must be done in the library that it works though.

The Screenshot shows a first test program.
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Actually it was for another version of the drawer. on this version i couldn't get the drawer to be below the (translucent) statusbar every time i get it there a weird gray color for the statusbar which i couldnt find why it's happening i know something is wrong with xml's but i still didn't find where exactly
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HI All,

I was trying to use a MS drawer, I found two post implementing the same lib :
  1. this one by The desolatesoul
  2. and yours

Both seem to implement a wrap from MikePenz library

I didn't succeed in using 1)... too complex for me due to the "additionnal res or jar...AppCompat v7 Support library
And I didn't find your library as it is probably yet not available ?

Please tell me if there are other (good !) alternatives or if your lib will become avalable ?

Thanks for your impressive job
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Both Library is good and both library requirement a little effort to integrate the same, nothing difficult. There are several examples for both libraries
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The first Lib you were referring to and this one both are a warp for the same Lib , This Lib on this thread by DonManfred supports more methods with alot of extra capabilities than the other one keeping in mind that the other Lib by thedesolatesoul is one of the best Libs I've used in B4A so my advice is to start with thedesolatesoul to get your self familiar with the drawer methods until DonManfred finish his lib.
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Thank you for your answers.
I was looking for an example running with B4A 6.x ... And still stuck on integrating the AppCompat v7 Support library :-(

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Thank you for your answers.
I was looking for an example running with B4A 6.x ... And still stuck on integrating the AppCompat v7 Support library :-(
There are several examples on how to implement the AppCompact V7, EX EX2 Also you should start a new thread for this request i think it would be better.
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