copying \files\fonts\Roboto-Medium.ttf worked for me (thank you), i've downloaded the v1.52 and extract every file in my library folder (.aar file included) but the software seems unable to use it...
I'm sure i'm using the latest version of the library, i've also attached a screenshot with b4a version. (i'm not in beta)
I'had already tried to download it another time, (and to download also precedent versions) but the library was still not able to load the Font...
I think it is an issue related to the .aar file reading
Thank you for that tipp, but I use DateDialog all the time, but there is a problem if someone should scroll to his date oif birth ... it takes a long time!
Since targetSdkVersion="14" the DateDialog is much better, but the rest of the app has such a different design and I have to change too many things on the rest of the app.
Hello DonManfred,
i have a same old question, if i put the current data, the month is -1
where change (get or set) the months 0 to 11 >>> 1 to 12 ??? or is necessary discount always a -1 month ???