Android Question Maven artifact non trovato:

Gianluca Esposito

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, i have B4a v. 8.30
Let's try to use push notifications.
Only when we insert the reference to the firebase library in the projects we get the error in question.
With SDK manager we have made updates, the paths are set:
C: \ Android \ platforms \ android-23 \ android.jar
C:\Program Files Java jdk1.8.0_121\bin\Javac.exe

What is missing ?

Gianluca Esposito

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks, mistake disappeared, but when I compile new project I get.
If I delete the reference to the firebaseNotifications library the error disappears.


ERROR: In <declare-styleable> FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:font
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:fontStyle
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:fontVariationSettings
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:fontWeight
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:ttcIndex
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> GradientColor, unable to find attribute android:endX
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> GradientColor, unable to find attribute android:endY
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> GradientColor, unable to find attribute android:startX
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> GradientColor, unable to find attribute android:startY
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> GradientColorItem, unable to find attribute androidffset
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