max days number in current Month


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How can I check which is the maximum day number in the current month?
For example in DayInMonth(february,2012)= 29?

I tried thi sub but it doesn't work for me :(
Msgbox(DateDay(DateAdd(DateParse(month & "/01/" & DateYear(Now)), 0, +1, -1)))

Jost aus Soest

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Sub LeapYear(Year As Int) As Boolean
  If Year Mod 4 <> 0 Then Return False
  If Year Mod 400 = 0 Then Return True
  If Year Mod 100 = 0 Then Return False
  Return True
End Sub

Sub DaysOfMonth(Year As Int, Month As Int) As Int
  Select Month
  Case 2
    If LeapYear(Year) Then Return 29 Else Return 28
  Case 4, 6, 9, 11
    Return 30
  Case Else
    Return 31
  End Select
End Sub
Last edited:


Licensed User
If you don't want to calculate it yourself and since DateTime is supported by the .Net Compact Framework, this should work too.

   year = 2012
   month = 3
   'objDateTime is Door Object
   objDateTime.CreateNew("System.DateTime" & objDateTime.System_Mscorlib)
   daysinmonth = objDateTime.RunMethod3("DaysInMonth",year,"System.Int32",month,"System.Int32")



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Thank you for All but my function is work too but I did not remember I changed the dateformat.

So this works too:
maxDayInMonth=DateDay(DateAdd(DateParse(DateYear(Now)&"."&month&".01."), 0, +1, -1))


Well-Known Member
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Thank you for All but my function is work too but I did not remember I changed the dateformat.

So this works too:
maxDayInMonth=DateDay(DateAdd(DateParse(DateYear(Now)&"."&month&".01."), 0, +1, -1))

I think you are doing what I was going to suggest, which was to add one to the current month (remembering to go from 12 to 1); go to 1st day of that month; subtract one day; get day number.



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I think you are doing what I was going to suggest, which was to add one to the current month (remembering to go from 12 to 1); go to 1st day of that month; subtract one day; get day number.


Sorry Mike I did not want to steal your merits!
It is not my function, i found it in the forum.
"my function" = function what I'm using for

Sorry, and thank you!