Thank you Erel,
In my tests yesterday i came to the same conclusion. My string data is of variable length depending on the app situation and therefore, some times I run out of memory in different situations. So, the remaining system memory is the limit of the character string.
I need such a long string to output a calculated result into a external file (on SD card). My solution is to slice the string in handy buckets and use the append mode to get the file stored completely. This works now with your help:
To get around the process memory issue, I need now a method to read text in buckets into a string to process data step by step, too. I'm using the ExternalStorage method to write the file (append) step by step, but how can I read in the data from the external file with ExternalStorage step by step?
Best Regards
PS: I'm not sure if I need to launch a new thread for this question ...