Android Code Snippet Measure distance between 2 LatLng points

I am working on a mapping application that needs to measure the distance between 2 points, I found a function on Google and convert it to B4A (B4X) code.

K is kilometers
N is nautical miles
M (or anything else) will return the result in miles.
You can add other units into the function and just use math to convert from miles.

decimalPlace = the result will be rounded to X decimal places.

Modify as you wish and enjoy. From my testing, it seems to be very accurate.


Sub MeasureLatLng(lat1 As Double, lng1 As Double, lat2 As Double, lng2 As Double, unit As Char, decimalPlace As Int) As Double
    If lat1 = lat2 And lng1 = lng2 Then
        Return 0
        Dim theta As Double = lng1 - lng2
        Dim dist As Double = Sin(lat1 * cPI / 180.0) * Sin(lat2 * cPI / 180.0) + Cos(lat1 * cPI / 180.0) * Cos(lat2 * cPI / 180.0) * Cos(theta * cPI / 180.0)
        dist = ACos(dist)
        dist = dist / cPI * 180.0
        dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515
        If unit = "K" Then
            dist = dist * 1.609344
        Else If unit = "N" Then
            dist = dist * 0.8684
        End If
        dist = Round2(dist, decimalPlace)
        Return dist
    End If
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
To get more precise results you could have used the DistanceTo method from the GPS libary.
Private Location1, Location2 As Location
Location1.Initialize(Lat1, Lng1)
Location2.Initialize(Lat2, Lng2)
Distance = Location1.DistanceTo(Location2)


Active Member
Licensed User
To get more precise results you could have used the DistanceTo method from the GPS libary.
Private Location1, Location2 As Location
Location1.Initialize(Lat1, Lng1)
Location2.Initialize(Lat2, Lng2)
Distance = Location1.DistanceTo(Location2)

I read somewhere on the forum that DistanceTo wasn't as accurate, if that's been updated, thats great.
I use my function in B4A as well as B4J server, and I don't think there is a B4J GPS library to use?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, there is no GPS library in B4J.
The code you posted is OK for short distances.
You could simplify your code, replacing:
Sin(lat1 * cPI / 180.0)
The same for the others.
All the trigonometric methods with a D at the end, like SinD, CosD etc. work with values in degrees.
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