The lack of information in the tutorial on this subject is voluntary because that's not related to the UI. It's the machinery behind the scene. And this machinery, very simple in my project, is probably of no use in a real project. I think it is not worth publishing it as is. I don't read covers embedded in MP3 for example.
But here are some leads:
- most of MP3 players look into the folders containing the music files to find a image; if they find one they assume it is the artwork file
- some others are connected to a database on the net (or a search engine) to retrieve these information
- they also read the artwork embedded in the music files
- some of them offer to select images on the card to bind them to music files (e.g. to populate the pictures list of artists)
Once you get the informations, you have to save them somewhere (a cache folder) where they are stored with the right size, the right format.