quick question about media player.
I am using a media player object to play sounds and it works fine. Only strange issue is that when I play a custom mp3 the sound is played for the actual duration of the sound (checked using the "duration" property of the media player object). Additionally once the sound is complete after the duration time, the event "complete" of the media player triggers fine (I have initialized using the initialize2 method. So far so good.
When I select one of the default ringtones (.ogg extension) for example the simple "Bee-Beerp.ogg", and I play it, even if checking the duration property, that is 1768 ms, the sound keeps looping and the complete event never triggers (not sure it is really never..for sure after few minutes..).
Is there a way to control the default ringtones play duration or I have to "manually" do that with a timer?